Friday, January 7, 2011

The Juggling Act

I am not usually one to recognize my limitations, or admit when things are difficult. But, I'm not gonna lie, this week, with these two additional babies, is kicking my behind. It's not that the boys are really difficult babies - they're not. But, dealing with my own kids, plus two additional babies who are only 10 months apart, feels like a constant juggling act. I can't finish meeting the needs of one before I need to move on to meeting the needs of another. All you moms out there with babies less than a year heart goes out to you. It doesn't help either that the 12 month old is sick and his nose is a faucet of continually pouring green snot that doesn't turn off. The poor little guy is miserable, and I'm a little grossed out. If it were my own child, I would be equally grossed out. I'm also pretty convinced now that he probably has a double ear infection. He is a sweet little guy, but he's in pain. And, you know what that means when a child is in pain...additional needs to try to meet. He wants nothing but to be held all day, and no amount of coaxing can get him to take a nap. The two month old is a pretty easy baby, but he still wakes up about every 2 -3 hours at night. So, I am also exhausted as I try to meet the needs of all these kids. Because of that, my own children bear the brunt of all that we are attempting to take on. They get neglected and treated like crap because I am at the end of my rope. They would probably give me the award of "World's Worst Mom" this week!

That leads me to this do you find balance between caring for others in need and "loving the least of these" and teaching your children to do the same, while still taking care of your own children and their needs? I want them to learn to love others sacrificially, and I want to teach them by example, but I certainly don't want them to feel like I loved others in place of them...the ones that God placed directly in my care. I guess the first step in finding that balance is recognizing certain limitations. I know now that if I get a call from Safe Families for two babies, we will say no. We have learned that two babies under 12 months at the same time is too much for us right now. I guess that's a start. We'll stick to one at a time in the future!

For now though, continue to pray for these two little guys in our care. They have found longer term placements for them, but they will have to be separated. They have a three year old brother who is also elsewhere, and that makes me sad for all of them. Pray for their peace and comfort and that their mom will take the steps that she needs to take to be able to care for them.

1 comment:

  1. My mom is always saying your family is your first ministry! I always feel like that's not enough, but at their young ages they do take up a lot of our time. I'm thinking our ministering to others and caring for the "least of these" will happen more and more as our own children grow. Just a thought. See you soon!
