Sunday, January 30, 2011

Encouraging Results

As you know, after Wednesday, I was pretty much convinced that this was another non-viable pregnancy. The nurse told me to stay off of the internet and come back in for more blood work on Friday. Of course, I did not follow the instructions to stay off the internet, but I did go back in on Friday morning. On a sidenote, I have extremely small veins, and every time I have to give blood for something, it's a little bit difficult. Occasionally, the person is really good or I get lucky and they just poke me once and get it done...but that's rare. Usually it takes a minimum of a couple of tries for them to get a good vein. By Friday, the woman said, "Well, I'm going to have to use this same vein that the others have used, but it's already damaged, so this is going to hurt." Great. It actually wasn't too bad, but you should see my arm. It's bruised with a swollen lump right at the inside of my elbow where the "damaged vein" is. I look like some sort of drug addict or something. One time in highschool, when I was trying to actually give blood to the red cross, they popped a vein and my entire arm looked like that. I had one other failed attempt at donating blood, so now I only give it when I have to!

Anyway, back to the point...I went in first thing Friday morning and then waited all day for the results. It has been taking only a few hours to get the results, but I waited and waited, and no call came. I pretty much had myself glued to the phone. I left a message for the nurse...nothing. I called the operator to make sure people were still around on a Friday afternoon, and she said that they were, but still no call. I began to tell myself that if it was good news, they would have called right away, so it definitely wasn't good news. Then, right at about 5:00, the doctor called.

She said that the numbers had almost doubled, from 770 to 1521, and she was pleased with the results....and officially labeled the pregnancy viable! I was shocked. I really had prepared myself for the worst. So, that's obviously just the first hurdle, but at least we made it past that one. The next step, if nothing happens between now and then, will be to go in in two weeks for an ultrasound to check for the heartbeat. I still remain cautiously optimistic, but am very excited that we stand a chance!

Thanks so much for continuing to pray for us! I will continue to keep you updated. Hopefully, there will be nothing to report until two weeks from now.

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