Friday, October 8, 2010


It is amazing to watch our kids with all of their cousins because they all really do adore each other. It seems like it must be so unusual that that many kids (12 altogether now) would get along so well, and yet it also seems so natural, like it's the way things are supposed to be. This is what relationships between cousins should be, almost like siblings. Even the older cousins are amazing with all of our younger ones. It's really unbelievable. There's also something especially special between the boys. It kills me for Jake that none of the boy cousins are around anymore because there's just a different sort of "boy play" that takes place when they're together that he doesn't often get otherwise.

I have always taken for granted the fact that we were all right here in Orange County and it makes me so sad that we have now started to spread all over. But, like we all know is true far too often, you usually don't fully appreciate what you've got until it's gone. So now, I'm missing my sisters and missing that our kids are not together. One of them moved just a couple of hours away, which isn't so unbearable because weekend visits actually happen. Another sister moved across the country, and that really does seem unbearable sometimes...and it's only been a few months! We only lived about 5 miles away from each other until they moved, and I hate that I can't just pick up the phone and ask them to meet us at the lake/park/beach club/wherever, for the kids to play together and for us to hang out for a bit, even if its just for half an hour. I miss it for me and I miss it for the kids. The thought of the kids not all growing up together really bothers me...much more than I ever thought it would.

Here are some pictures of my kids with one of my sister's kids, right before they moved to TN.

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