Wednesday, October 20, 2010

California Kids

Because it rains so infrequently where we live in California, we have never bought our kids (or ourselves) any rain gear. Truthfully, I would say that our entire family is in flip flops close to 100% of the time (no, that is not an exaggeration - flip flops are our normal attire for church, nights out, and everyday wear - and yes, that includes the rainy days). We figure, why spend the money on something that will only get used a few times and then outgrown? That philosophy works pretty well - that is, until we do get those few days of pouring down now. I saw pictures of my friend with her kids outside enjoying the rain puddles in all their rain gear and they looked like they were having so much fun. My poor children have no rain boots to splash in the puddles and no rain coats to keep them warm in the rain.

The great thing about being a kid though, is that they really don't care. They choose to take full advantage of the rain puddles by going out in their swimsuits, nevermind the fact that it is freezing outside (not literally...but it is by MY definition of freezing!). Unfortunately for them, I will not join them in my swimsuit in the pouring rain, nor does the fun last nearly as long as if they had the proper attire, I'm sure. It also doesn't help us when we actually have to go somewhere. But, it works in a pinch!

I'm afraid that these pictures might suggest that I am an irresponsible mother, but I figure it won't be long before they are like me and won't step foot outside on a cold, rainy day. So, I guess for now, it won't kill them if I let them enjoy the rain in their swimsuits. Bring on the pneumonia!! (Not really...I promise, I don't really want to bring on the pneumonia!)

1 comment:

  1. So cute. I like Jake's idea to go sliding on the kick board. thats awesome.
