Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Fun

I can't believe that summer is already coming to an end and we are gearing up to start school. Obviously, I have not been good about blogging over the summer, but we've been having a great time. So, I'm just going to post some pictures of a few of the highlights. I have, unfortunately, fallen back into my old ways and also haven't been great about taking many pictures, so many of our activities won't be remembered here. Here's what I've got though...

We kicked off the summer with a visit from cousins and, as always, had a great time together. And then, as always, we were so bummed when everyone had to go.

I know that I mentioned VBS in another post, but I failed to post pictures of "Crazy Hair Day." Jake was very excited because he was officially named the winner for the craziest hair. I, however, cannot take credit for his multi-colored, balloon-tied hair. That would be my neighbor, who saw to it that he had the craziest hair for crazy hair day. Addi, on the other hand, knew exactly how she wanted her hair to be - a little pig tail on each side of her head - so that's how I did it for her. When we walked outside though, Sarah (our neighbor) gave her a splash of color. Apparently, she keeps hair dye on hand for just such occasions.

Jake has loved participating in a couple of mountain bike races this summer (Jay did one as well). Aren't they cute?

The Cheering Section

And, we've gotten in some great beach days. In my opinion, the beach is a lot of work. There's always tons to pack, long distances to walk (with the tons of stuff that you've packed), sand everywhere when you leave, etc. When we go though, we always get a full day's worth of fun out of it because the kids love it. So, it's worth it. Jake and Addi do not like to do the same things at the beach though. Jake spends almost the whole time playing in the water and boogie boarding. Jay even got him up on a surfboard and he's dying to keep learning. Addi though, prefers to play in the sand, collect shells, and run away from the waves.

So, those are a few highlights in a nutshell. We'll officially be starting school up (at home) in a couple of weeks. I'm actually really looking forward to getting started and getting some structure into our days. I'm just not sure how long that excitement will last. It will probably start to fade somewhere around week two! I always love the idea of plans and schedules, and work really hard to come up with ones that I think will work. But, I usually have far better plans than follow-through. I'm working on that though.

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