Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm Going to Give This a Try!

Knowing me, I will most likely not follow through on regularly updating this blog...but I'm going to try! I am so bad about sharing photos or stories or updates with any of our family and friends, and I want to be better about it. My GOAL will be to try to add some sort of picture or info pertaining to our family or munchkins at least once a week. Don't hold me to that though. Typically, any pictures that I do take (which, sadly, are not many) stay on my camera for months until I finally download them onto some sort of little traveldrive that holds them. Then, they just stay there indefinitely. I am going to attempt to change this. Those who know me though know that I often get a great whim to do something, but don't always follow through (not my best quality, I know). I'm hoping it will be different this time, but, again, my track record shows otherwise. Do you see how I'm avoiding making any claims that "I'm really going to do it this time." That way I can avoid feeling like I failed to follow through again! :) Most likely, I will bombard you with a few pictures / posts in the beginning, and then you won't hear from me for months at a time. Such is life. In my defense, I am homeschooling, fostering a 1 year old, and trying to keep up with life, and if I have a few spare moments, I'd really rather read someone else's blog than try to keep up with my own!

I really do want our friends and family who are not near to feel more a part of our lives though. So, here I go...

(actually posted by Kinzi)

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