Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Little Fireball Pumpkin

My little Fireball Pumpkin and two of his biggest fans!

Jake had his second soccer game on Saturday, and it was awesome! His team voted on the team name, Fireball Pumpkins, which is a bit of a mouthful to shout when you're cheering them on. Although he doesn't seem to have much of a competitive spirit while he's out there, he does still really want to win (just for the sake of being able to say that they won, I think). But, unfortunately, his team has lost both games. That doesn't seem to squelch his enthusiasm though.

I am having so much fun watching him, simply because he is having so much fun. He absolutely loves being and feeling like a part of a team, and he loves running around on the soccer field. (I chose my words carefully there. I don't know that I can actually say that he is loving playing the game of soccer, because I'm not sure that is what he's doing out there!) He exudes pure joy as he runs around and does whatever he does. I LOVE IT! One of the things that I love seeing the most is not only how much fun he's having, but how well he treats the other kids, not only on his team but the other team as well. He simply loves to be with and play with other kids. He truly does not know a stranger (much to my chagrin, sometimes) and can frequently be seen laughing and conversing with them on the soccer field, oblivious to where the ball might be. It makes no difference to him which team they're on, as long as he's got somebody to talk to! And, it was really cute to watch him cheer on his teammates when it was his turn to sit out a quarter.

He played goalie for a quarter this past game and it was hilarious. I wish that I could upload a video (I am nowhere near that technologically advanced) of him in the goal, running back and forth, just waiting for that ball to dare try to get by him (I believe two or three did manage to somehow sneak by). He was crouched down, shimmying back and forth in the goal even while everybody was on the complete opposite end of the field and going the other direction. I'm telling you, it doesn't matter what kind of a mood we may be in when we get to the field, watching him in that goal would put anybody in a good mood. As I picture it, in fact, I am sitting here laughing out loud.

Goalie Jake

It appears that he might have more in the way of football skills than soccer skills as he tends to just plow through people and not have much awareness of where the ball actually is. Although, he is making improvements. He spent far less time falling down on the field the second time around. We only counted 8 falls the second game, down from 35 in the first. So, we're making progress. Truthfully though, although I know that he will continue to improve, I will be a little bit sad when he is no longer running around aimlessly, laughing with a kid from the opposite team, and shimmying back and forth in the goal when the ball is on the opposite side of the field.

I only include this picture because of the boy in the yellow. Jake informed us after the game that he hopes he never has to play against him again, because he was way too fast! 
Our ever-faithful neighbor helping out with Aubrey. They were all there again to cheer Jake on!
Jake, of course, had to occasionally say hi to us from the field!

Sydney has been at both games cheering for Jake. 

And they even have the same number! (I know that this picture is on here twice, but I can't seem to delete it for some reason.)

Check out that form!

(actually posted by Kinzi)

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious and so cute! What great neighbors/friends too!
    I love the egypt maps also. I can't leave that comment under the proper section, because the way you have this set up it takes me about 10 minutes to leave a comment haha (Seriously though, fix it HAHAHAHA again). LOVE the updates!
