Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our Homeschool

Just thought I'd let you in on what our homeschool looks like these days. I've put some effort into trying to make it comfortable and functional, and here's where it's at right now...

The Reading Nook
We have yet to use these inviting, comfy pillows for their intended use in another reading / listening center. But, at least they fill an empty spot right there and make it look like I have organized stations around the room! That is a time line hanging above it. (I ordered it through Rod and Staff if you're interested.)

We got this world map from Amazon for really cheap and it is turning out to be a great purchase. It is covered with all kinds of picture symbols and it came with a book that tells a little about each of the symbols. The kids have turned it into a game of trying to find the symbols from the book on the map. They've been doing it all the time.

My sister will probably be a little surprised when she sees our school table, considering the fact that it belongs to her and is her very nice (maybe antique?) pine table. They couldn't fit it into the U-haul when they moved to Tennessee, and were forced to leave it behind. So, it now sits in our homeschool room. (I'm sure she takes comfort, however, in the fact that they took up precious space in the U-haul with all the cushions for the set of patio furniture that they then weren't able to fit and also had to leave behind! :)) Sorry, Kels.


 And, finally, our jail, in order to confine, learning through play activity center, in order to engage our littlest homeschooler!

(actually posted by Kinzi)

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to see that the pine table is contributing to the education of my nieces and nephew :) Don't worry about the markings, drawings and blows that it takes as I am certain it is far more loving care than Graci would provide for it hahaha. Besides, it is YOURS now not mine.
    Your school looks quite cozy and organized. I was going to post ours yesterday, but never got the chance to. It is quite the contrast... but we do have a map :0) AND I like the fact that your children do school fully clothed. Hmm, a concept to consider.
