Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Tales From the Money Pit

So, you might remember a couple of months ago when we had major plumbing problems in our money pit of a house, and I casually mentioned that we were just waiting for the hot water heater to go next. I didn't literally mean that we thought it was going to go right away. Well...

I sent the kids upstairs for a bath and shower last night and could not understand why I could hear the water running, but I could also hear the kids running around playing - clearly not in the bath or shower. I started to scold them about the fact that they were wasting water and not doing what I had told them to do, when they informed me that they were just waiting for the water to get hot...and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. After a while, they started to get bored with all the waiting. Sure enough, there was no hot water.

I was hoping that it would be some easy fix for Jay when he got home, but when I went out to the garage to look at the hot water heater and saw that underneath it was soaking wet, I knew there would be no easy fix. A leaking hot water heater means that we now have to buy and install a new one. It's busy season for Jay right now so he's working late every night, and I just didn't have the heart (or the nerve) to call him and tell him about it. Instead, I sprang it on him when he got home at 10:30. He then figured out how to drain it so that the leak wouldn't do more damage, and that's where we're at.

I don't have any idea how much this is going to set us back, but I know that it will be too much. I also know that hot water is not one of the things that I can learn to live without. I don't do cold very well. And, I'm quite certain that you are probably not going to want to get too close to me if you're with me in the very near future because I probably won't smell like a rose. I will go without a shower before I will go with a cold one. Too bad this didn't happen over the summer as we swelter in our 90 degree home with no air conditioning. Then maybe a cold shower wouldn't be so bad!

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