Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

We don't usually do much around here for Valentine's Day. Last year, the only thing on my mind was hearing one miraculous little heartbeat. This year, I decided that I wanted to do something to make it special for the kids. That probably had something to do with all the cute ideas that my sister kept sending me from her newfound Pinterest obsession, making me feel like an inadequate mom for not doing something of the sort! (Just kidding.) I had some very grandiose ideas in mind that never came to fruition, but I did manage to do a couple of things that were a big hit with the kids. One thing that Jay and I did was to write lots of reasons that we love them on individual little paper hearts. Then we hid those all around the house for the kids to collect and put in their Valentine jar. The idea was originally for me to sew all kinds of little fabric hearts together and stuff them. Ha. That didn't happen. Then, I was going to sew together the paper hearts and stuff them. That turned into me stuffing them with tissue paper and stapling them together, and then partway through that project saying, "Why did I think that puffy hearts would be so much better?" At that point, they became just construction paper hearts with no stuffing. Regardless, the kids LOVED this.

I also made some Valentine treat bags for them with s'mores and heart shaped rice krispy treats...

And, of course, no holiday would be complete without the Herron children tradition of wrapping up items of theirs from around the house and giving them to us. This time, we each made out with some homemade cards and a dollar in pennies, and I also got some fancy jewelry and a little pink notebook...

1 comment:

  1. AW, and I thought I was being helpful, darn it.
    I LOVE your idea! AND, I never even saw it on Pinterest! Very original. What, Tate didn't get to find any hearts? UH, where's the love?...HAHAHAHA Cute pics!
