Monday, October 24, 2011

Two Weeks in Pictures

It seems like any time I sit down these days to try to do something productive after Jake and Addi have gone to bed, this happens...

I immediately proceed to fall asleep - either that, or I am attempting to soothe or feed a fussy baby. (Tate, in my opinion, is a wonderful, pleasant long as he is being held. Unfortunately, the evening time when the other kids are in bed is when he typically decides he is not going to be wonderful and pleasant.) So, I'm not getting much accomplished in the way of blogging, or writing thank you notes, or reading, or just spending some quality time with Jay. I'm too exhausted. I feel fine during the day, but once I actually have some down time, I'm out. So, for a while, I will try to just get some pictures uploaded on here to keep you somewhat updated on what's going on around here. Stories will probably have to wait.

Our last couple of weeks in pictures...

Not quite sure what to say about that one.

Even if I don't end up jumping my cellulite away, this little purchase has proven to be a good method for soothing a fussing baby.

This is my latest used item purchase from Craigslist. I had heard that baby hammocks work well for babies who don't like to be put down and who will only sleep in someone's arms. So far, in the few days that we've had it, I have not found this to be the case. Apparently, it is no substitute at this point for my arms!

Jay had a day off from Biola, so we did a Disneyland day. I mostly hung out on benches with Tate while Jay and the kids went on the rides, but Tate did a great job in the baby carrier and everyone had fun.

After a full day at Disneyland, Tate was the only one awake on the way home...and he wasn't happy about it!

Nature day again with Mr. Mark. This is about the only picture I snapped of the day. Nature day is not as easy with a baby in tow.

1 comment:

  1. great pics! Tate is so cute! Addi looks just like you in the picture with her hat on.
