Thursday, December 29, 2011


Tate will be 3 months old tomorrow. I know, I can't believe it either. According to the "experts," I should probably have started giving him tummy time around a month ago. I haven't though because, well, I just haven't. I can see that he's plenty strong, and it's much more fun for me to hold him and look at his face and talk to him when he's awake. I decided to put him down on his stomach for a couple minutes this morning though, and he proceeded to immediately turn himself over onto his back. I thought that it had to just be a fluke. After all, he hasn't even had any practice time on his belly. I put him back on his stomach and reminded him that he's already getting way too big way too fast, and he's not supposed to be rolling over for at least another month and darn it, he needs to slow down. He responded by immediately rolling over again. So, I got the camera, put him back on his stomach, and...

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