Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Munchkins are in the Know

Well, we finally went ahead and told Jake and Addi that there is a baby on the way, and they are beyond excited. When Jay told them that we had a surprise to tell them about, Jake's immediate response was, "Is Aubrey coming back?" That was without any hints on what the surprise might be, so you can see that even after several months of her not being with us, the kids are still always hoping that she will return. They talk about it all the time.

Jay told him that that wasn't it but that he was sort of on the right track, and after a few guesses and hints, they learned the surprise. They were so excited and, of course, Addi said that she really hopes it's a girl, and Jake said that he really hopes it's a boy. They also decided amongst themselves that if it's a boy, Jake will get to name him (and he has already decided that the name should be Zechariah), and if it's a girl, Addi will get to name her (she has narrowed her choices down to Sarin and Linna - no, I have no idea where she gets those ideas).

After talking about it for a few minutes, they both decided that they needed to check out my belly and declared that, yes, it was definitely bigger. I didn't explain to them that those extra 10 pounds that I've somehow managed to put on in the first trimester are really not baby, just fat.

Jake also said, "I really hope this baby doesn't die in your tummy." Yes, Jake...we really hope so too.

1 comment:

  1. So cute how excited they are! I bet it feels good to let them in on it:)
